Search: Algolia

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Configure Algolia Search Client

Select Algolia as the search client in your config.toml file:

client = "algolia"

Also, add configuration options for Algolia:

appId = ""
indexName = ""
searchApiKey = ""
  • [Map]:
    • appId [String]: Algolia Application ID
    • indexName [String]: Name for Algolia Indices
      default: minimo_site
    • searchApiKey [String]: Algolia Search-Only API Key

You’ll find various information related to your Algolia account in the Algolia Dashboard.

Generate Search Index for Algolia

Algolia will need a search index for searching across your site. So, you’ll need to generate that search index for Algolia before you deploy your site.

Minimo comes with a script for generating the search index for Algolia: /scripts/generate-search-index-algolia.js.

Install Dependencies

Node.js must be installed on your system for using the generator script.

It also needs the following npm packages:

  • algoliasearch
  • glob

For installing algoliasearch and glob globally use the following command:

npm install -g algoliasearch glob

Set Environment Variables

The generator script uses the following environment variables:

  • ALGOLIA_APP_ID (required): Algolia Application ID
  • ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY (required): Algolia Admin API Key
  • ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME (optional): Name for Algolia Indices
    default: minimo_site

Run the Script

After you’ve generated your site with Hugo, run generate-search-index-algolia.js with node.

If Minimo is installed under /themes/minimo directory, you’ll run it as:

node ./themes/minimo/scripts/generate-search-index-algolia.js

The generate-search-index-algolia.js script accepts an optional argument for Hugo’s publishDir (relative to your site’s root directory).

So, if you’ve got a different publishDir (say site), pass it as the first argument:

node ./themes/minimo/scripts/generate-search-index-algolia.js site

If the generation was successful, you’ll see output like this:

Algolia Index Generated for: /search/index.json

That’s all. Now you can deploy your site.

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